
This is our family tree, as far as Gudrun has been able to piece it together. For the publication here, we applied privacy filtering so that the last generations are not available here.

Instructions for navigation:
By clicking on surnames, you get a list of all available surnames. From here, you can get to a distinct surname in the "index of individuals". From there, you can access a person's so called "family card" as long as it is available. In case no family is fount, you will be shown the "person sheet" instead.
On each family card three generations are displayed: the upper part shows the parents and the parents in-law. In the middle, the person and his/her spouse are displayed. Their children are listed below.
By clicking on the name of either a parent, or a child, the family card of the parents or the child are shown respectively. Further information on a person (if available) can be displayed by clicking on a name in the middle generation. In this person sheet generations are also linked.
Well, this sounds rather complicated - but it is not. Just give it a go!
You switched the language of this website to English. I made quite an effort to provide you with this translated site and was really careful about it. I translated almost everything on the actual website including the "frameworks" of the person sheet and family card and how dates are displayed to avoid misinterpretations - however the actual data retrieved from the database is German only. So all the remarks and notes on persons, events and places will show up in German as we only maintain a single set of data. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need assistance with a specific translation!

The database currently contains 821 individuals in 387 families.